What can be used for my project, power point or a movie making program or what?
Question by Ernesto: What can be used for my project, power point or a movie making program or what? I am wanting to use a software program that will let me use some video footage (to… Continue reading
Q&A: Does anyone want to help or anyone know any 3D modellers that would be interested in making a film?
Question by richdownes89: Does anyone want to help or anyone know any 3D modellers that would be interested in making a film? I’m planning a movie with 3D models based upon a video game, does anyone want to help?… Continue reading
Are they making a movie about Rick Ankiel?
Question by allcsandans: Are they making a movie about Rick Ankiel? If they are, then I’ve lost all hope in life, I think that they should make a movie about Kevin Everett.
Best answer:
Answer by stlcardinalsfan721I havent… Continue reading
ma and my friend making a movie… any ideas?
Question by Daniel’s Girl: ma and my friend making a movie… any ideas? me and my best friend are going to make a movie, but we only have us two, one digital camera, and can only film… Continue reading
.MOVie making programs?
Question by †GreY†: .MOVie making programs? i have literally TONS of videos that i cant convert to .mov or .mp4 files for my ipod. so i came up with a new plan. these files… Continue reading