Is There Any Movie Making Software that Edits MP4?
Question by : Is There Any Movie Making Software that Edits MP4? I’m trying to split a MP4 video on my mac but I don’t have imovie are there any video editing software that edits MP4
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I need some help with making a video on Microsoft Movie Maker!?
Question by : I need some help with making a video on Microsoft Movie Maker!? I need help with making a video, I would love some tips or ideas!? I’m making a video on Microsoft Movie Maker and I would… Continue reading
I am making a movie and I need to kno a good camera to buy.?
Question by : I am making a movie and I need to kno a good camera to buy.? I am thinking about becoming a director so Im making a movie wit some friends and I want it to turn out… Continue reading
Movie making sound equipment?
Question by Manchelli: Movie making sound equipment? I am an amatuer film director with an upcoming film. I need to know if I can use the sound “equipment” on my camera as sufficient quality (good quality)… Continue reading
making a video with windows movie maker like a amv or put clips together where do u get music and video?
Question by mysteriojr27: making a video with windows movie maker like a amv or put clips together where do u get music and video? i need help so i can make a amv by putting clips together on windows… Continue reading