Q&A: Will they be making a movie for each book, including Midnight Sun? I Hope So!?
Question by mgard703: Will they be making a movie for each book, including Midnight Sun? I Hope So!? Will they be making a movie for each book, including Midnight Sun? I Hope So!
Best answer:
Answer by shaunna moniek… Continue reading
Is there such a person for movie making?
Question by Forward: Is there such a person for movie making? What happens if someone wants to make a movie.
Is there such a person that can help him look for a script writer, a special effects creator, the… Continue reading
Canon T3i for movie making.?
Question by : Canon T3i for movie making.? Hi!!
I’m prepping a project for the summer and plan to shoot video using the Canon T3i Camera. Doing research, a lot of independent filmmakers (movie makers) are… Continue reading
Making a movie for youtube?
Question by : Making a movie for youtube? I cannot find any free online video makers. I do not want to download software. I used to like Onetruemedia, but now they have a limit to 30… Continue reading
Q&A: Please tell me the best program for making videos!?
Question by Sunny: Please tell me the best program for making videos!? Hey,can you tell me with which program this video is made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnYo_6Df9oU&feature=channel_page It’s really perfect!
And also tell me which is the best program for videos,because I… Continue reading