
BONUS #5 MAKING OF Norman fait des vidéos

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How many people have died in the making movies and how?

by DennisSylvesterHurd

Question by Nacho-Nick: How many people have died in the making movies and how? As the title says, Id like to find out a bit more about this. Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by HappilyPaganBrendan Lee in… Continue reading

Movie making name help!?

Question by : Movie making name help!? I am making a 20 minute movie and need some help. Here is my first problem- I need a name for this character. As, (name here) grew up she always felt like her… Continue reading

Is there any other movie making things other than the movies game?

Question by pandm2010: Is there any other movie making things other than the movies game? I want an easy movie making program that doesn’t have vulgarity.

Best answer:

Answer by Sonygood,windows movie maker 2

Add your own answer in the comments!

Q&A: Need help on making a movie trailer?

Question by kenmonkey1995: Need help on making a movie trailer? So yeah, I need to make a movie trailer about a book called “Unwind” for school. Me and my group really want to make a good trailer so that… Continue reading

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