please tell me their making a live action assassins creed movie?
Question by : please tell me their making a live action assassins creed movie? on youtube i seen the assassins creed lineage short movie and if they can do that they hav to make a movie!! id pee my pants!!!!!!!… Continue reading
What are some good movie making programs?
Question by : What are some good movie making programs? Yeah i need to know stuff like screen cast o matic etc. programs that ARE free and wont give my computer viruses! cuz i want to upload videos on youtube… Continue reading
If women put on more muscle, do they produce more testosterone and less estrogen making them less emotional?
Question by nikonikoneko: If women put on more muscle, do they produce more testosterone and less estrogen making them less emotional? I’ve always been quite stable emotionally and could not relate to women when they get bitchy or hysterical.… Continue reading
Q&A: i need something that download music and movies without making my computer slow?
Question by edberg a: i need something that download music and movies without making my computer slow?
Best answer:
Answer by Paigecullenwell for musice go to and click terms of agreement and it will take… Continue reading
what is the best editing software for movie making?
Question by : what is the best editing software for movie making? It needs to be compatible with pc and if possible, please list pros/cons or any of your own opinions. Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Hule… Continue reading