What do movies mean what they say “__ years in the making”?
Question by karen: What do movies mean what they say “__ years in the making”? I used to think it meant it took them that long to make the movie, but I saw this movie advertisement… Continue reading
Source SDK in 45 seconds – Making objects have physics
Can’t find the tutorial you need? Visit here tinyurl.com For further help, ask on these forums www.ubermicro.proboards82.com Want a house to fall down? Boulders to come cascading down a mountain? How about a castle wall to be smashed into bricks?… Continue reading
Is it true that they’ll stop making Detective Conan movies after the 17th?
Question by : Is it true that they’ll stop making Detective Conan movies after the 17th? I read in a site ,when i was searching informations for the 16th movie, that they’ll stop making movies after the 17th. Is it… Continue reading
this question has to do with movie making…?
Question by Cool G: this question has to do with movie making…? Ok. i dont make movies but im a big fan of wickedawesomefilms on youtune! so. they say the reduce… Continue reading
Do you think that making movies about infamous killers is a form of flattery that could cause more murder?
Question by awesome (best answerer!): Do you think that making movies about infamous killers is a form of flattery that could cause more murder? Jeffrey Dahmer has his own movie, as well as Ted Bundy..and a lot of people… Continue reading