
What do movies mean what they say “__ years in the making”?

by Lars Tinner

Question by karen: What do movies mean what they say “__ years in the making”? I used to think it meant it took them that long to make the movie, but I saw this movie advertisement… Continue reading

Source SDK in 45 seconds – Making objects have physics

Can’t find the tutorial you need? Visit here For further help, ask on these forums Want a house to fall down? Boulders to come cascading down a mountain? How about a castle wall to be smashed into bricks?… Continue reading

Is it true that they’ll stop making Detective Conan movies after the 17th?

Question by : Is it true that they’ll stop making Detective Conan movies after the 17th? I read in a site ,when i was searching informations for the 16th movie, that they’ll stop making movies after the 17th. Is it… Continue reading

this question has to do with movie making…?

by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer

Question by Cool G: this question has to do with movie making…? Ok. i dont make movies but im a big fan of wickedawesomefilms on youtune! so. they say the reduce… Continue reading

Do you think that making movies about infamous killers is a form of flattery that could cause more murder?

Question by awesome (best answerer!): Do you think that making movies about infamous killers is a form of flattery that could cause more murder? Jeffrey Dahmer has his own movie, as well as Ted Bundy..and a lot of people… Continue reading

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