What’s a good, free, simple movie making program?
Question by : What’s a good, free, simple movie making program? I’m not looking to create any top-notch content. I used to work just fine with an older version of Windows Movie… Continue reading
Question by : WHY THE HECK IS JUSTIN BIEBER MAKING A MOVIE??!?!? hes freakin 16 years old and made 2 albums!!!!!!! what the heck? is it really this easy to get in the music business LOL i agree joe!
Best… Continue reading
What’s a good title for this movie I’m thinking about making?
Question by noтн!ngнeяe: What’s a good title for this movie I’m thinking about making? I’m thinking about making a movie. It’s about a scientist who spills a chemical concoction in a greenhouse. The plants inside react violently to the… Continue reading
Man vs Minecraft – “Making of” S2 Finale – Part 2: Editing
This is Part 2 of my “Making of” Man vs Minecraft Season 2 Finale bonus video. In this episode, “Editing”, I show you how I edited the episode in Adobe Premiere Elements, by adding music, sound effects, etc.. BLOG: paulsoaresjr.com… Continue reading
Why are so many companies involved in making a movie?
Question by geoff_hazel: Why are so many companies involved in making a movie? When I go to a movie, it starts off with about 3-5 “companies” that made it. “A Screen… Continue reading