I want to make a movie at school, What materials do I need?
Question by : I want to make a movie at school, What materials do I need? Im planning to do High school Musical at my school, and I want to make the movie look really professional. Not… Continue reading
Basic Materials in V-Ray for Rhino
This brief video tutorial explains the simple, basic steps to creating your own custom materials using V-Ray for Rhino. For more tutorials, or to register for one of our free webinars, visit asgvis.com. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Part 2… Continue reading
Mitsubishi Materials New Tough Wear Resistant Cermet NX3035
Grade specific brochures are available for download at www.mitsubishicarbide.com Mitsubishi’s NX3035 Cermet grade is our most advanced all round cermet for turning. NX3035 high performance alloy binder with increased thermal conductivity dramatically improves thermal shock resistance thus making it suitable… Continue reading
How to make old b&w movie styled lighting techniques with everyday home materials?
Question by PRIVATE EYE: How to make old b&w movie styled lighting techniques with everyday home materials? I’m making a music video for a school project, and I wanted to know how to make it appear old… Continue reading
Q&A: what are the materials of megan fox white dress?
Question by Madison: what are the materials of megan fox white dress? i want to know what these materials are im making this dres but the maker needs to know what they are help me please iv been serching… Continue reading