
What do movies mean what they say “__ years in the making”?

by Lars Tinner

Question by karen: What do movies mean what they say “__ years in the making”? I used to think it meant it took them that long to make the movie, but I saw this movie advertisement… Continue reading

Q&A: What does Curriculum for academic rationalization mean?

Question by not_the_doctor79: What does Curriculum for academic rationalization mean? I am doing a graph of the 5 parts of curriculum. I must list examples of each. Curriculum as the development of cognitive processes ·Play/learning centers (building blocks, reading,… Continue reading

what is exactly the role of a director in movie making?…i mean what does he do exactly?…?

by sameold2010

Question by : what is exactly the role of a director in movie making?…i mean what does he do exactly?…?

Best answer:

Answer by CharlieBrownHey Arunim,

It’s really hard to explain the director’s role, since their jobs… Continue reading

Q&A: What does the military signal holding your finger up and waving it in a circle mean?

by Inha Leex Hale

Question by Dinah: What does the military signal holding your finger up and waving it in a circle mean? Saw it in Black Hawk Down the other day, the first I’ve seen the movie. Especially… Continue reading

Q&A: What does it mean when a studio distributes a film?

by coconut wireless

Question by : What does it mean when a studio distributes a film? Sometimes a movie gets distributed by a different studio than the one that’s making it. What does it mean when a studio distributes it?… Continue reading

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