What does this mean in Movie Scripts?
Question by The Future of Wrestling.: What does this mean in Movie Scripts? 2.
Dopey PRIES open an access panel-
HAPPY Why do they call him the Joker?
DOPEY I heard… Continue reading
Q&A: what does it mean in scripts when the text says “in a beat”?
Question by Mono: what does it mean in scripts when the text says “in a beat”? I have seen it used in different ways and i am seeing it more for example the line was “they kiss… Continue reading
The Mean Kitty Song
SPARTA NOW HAS HIS OWN PROFILE!: www.Youtube.com LYRICS: I got this little kitty about 2 months back he was the nicest little kitty, now a pain in my crack This little kitty is a ninja, always stalking my feet This… Continue reading
kids movie with cats, a mean blonde girl and a show?
Question by asdjkl: kids movie with cats, a mean blonde girl and a show? in this cartoon kids movie, a bunch of animals are making a musical or some kind of show? i think two of… Continue reading
Spat between airlines, travel websites could mean trouble for travelers
Spat between airlines, travel websites could mean trouble for travelers Consider the recent spat between American Airlines and travel websites like Expedia and Orbitz to be a precursor, a look at what booking airline tickets will become in the future.… Continue reading