
What do the numbers mean when people write movie scripts?

Question by Kevin Kenny: What do the numbers mean when people write movie scripts? I am not talking about the page number. There are numbers on the left of a lot of scrips that say like 1, 2, 3,… Continue reading

What does “an error has occurred in the scripts of this page” mean?

by Ric e Ette

Question by zil28ennov: What does “an error has occurred in the scripts of this page” mean? This keeps popping up on my screen and then it asks if I want to continue running scripts on… Continue reading

Q&A: What does it mean when Movie Production companies says they don’t accept unsolicited scripts?

by Kmeron

Question by Bugsy: What does it mean when Movie Production companies says they don’t accept unsolicited scripts? What does it mean when Movie Production companies says they don’t accept unsolicited scripts?

Best answer:

Answer by MontyIt… Continue reading

Movies mean music, and movies could also mean? amazing ringtones!

by Michal Osmenda

Movies mean music, and movies could also mean? amazing ringtones!

“What do you think about movies? What do you think movies mean?” I asked some of my friends these questions and each of them had a different… Continue reading

How are the Olsen twins rich? I mean they don’t even make A-grade movies?

Question by sevenstar: How are the Olsen twins rich? I mean they don’t even make A-grade movies?

Best answer:

Answer by Rockin Like Janet Reno™They have money from Full House still

And don’t they have a clothing line… Continue reading

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