
UX Week 2010 | Michael Wesch | Mediated Culture

It took tens of thousands of years for writing to emerge after humans spoke their first words. It took thousands more before the printing press and a few hundred again before the telegraph. Today a new medium of communication emerges… Continue reading

Why isn’t Michael Moore making a movie about how awful of a job President Obama is doing?

by mollygolightly

Question by The Cult of Personality: Why isn’t Michael Moore making a movie about how awful of a job President Obama is doing? Never mind…I think I answered my own question.

Best answer:

Answer by Captain Cold… Continue reading

Movie Buzz 165: New Moon, Star Trek 2, Michael Jackson, Ring 3D & More!

New Moon: www.youtube.com Pirates Of The Caribbean 4: www.aceshowbiz.com Andy Samberg & Meatballs Movie: www.youtube.com The Surrogates: www.youtube.com A Christmas Carol: www.youtube.com This Is It (Michael Jackson Movie): www.youtube.com Christoph Waltz Joins Green Hornet: www.deadline.com The Ring 3D: www.bloody-disgusting.com Expendables… Continue reading

Michael Moore Discusses the Making of ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’

“We started filming this before the crash last year and then all of the sudden it happens right during the making of a film about the economy and capitalism and everything and it was like, ‘wow. Who’s writing this movie?’… Continue reading

Video: Michael Steele Clueless on Minimum Wage

Movie Making with kids 035 Image by xamichee

Video: Michael Steele Clueless on Minimum Wage *Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has been exposed as having no idea what the minimum wage is in America. “The Last Word” host Lawrence… Continue reading

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