
Q&A: How much money did the Notorious movie make this past weekend?

by sean dreilinger

Question by NY Lady: How much money did the Notorious movie make this past weekend?

Best answer:

Answer by Equally Uneven$ 20,497,596

but it is a terrible terrible movie….

1.5 out of 5 stars…..

Know… Continue reading

When a movie makes more money than it’s budget, who get its?

Question by John: When a movie makes more money than it’s budget, who get its?

Best answer:


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Tips – How to make money for free-and get pay everyday This is all tipe how to start making money from home, no need to quit your job,no need to do anything http Money matter guys, so if you know how to multiple your money, that is good, but if… Continue reading

when will people stop spending money M.night shayalman’s movies?

Question by freedom fighter: when will people stop spending money M.night shayalman’s movies? now i havent’ seen the happening myself but have seen all of the reviews by the critics and here on Y!A. i n my opinion he… Continue reading

How do movies make money at box office?

by Lisa

Question by Elias Alexander: How do movies make money at box office? How does it work? Does the cinema pay producers after ticket sales or before??? Who gets the money?

Best answer:

Answer by AndeeVeeFor the… Continue reading

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