
How much money do movie writers/directors make?

Question by R: How much money do movie writers/directors make? Not writers AND directors, but someone who writes the screenplay, and directs it. If it does well, how much would they make on average when they’re first starting out,… Continue reading

How can someone make money off a youtube movie?

Question by Eddie Cacciatore, Private Eye: How can someone make money off a youtube movie?

Best answer:

Answer by 馬鹿Well,

you can make a series of really funny and really popular videos then put them on DVDs and… Continue reading

Q&A: Why are most of the movie makers ‘sold-out’ and try to make money instead of art?

by Universal Pops (fully active mid-October)

Question by ComfortablyCold: Why are most of the movie makers ‘sold-out’ and try to make money instead of art? Why are today’s movies/films and music made in such a way that they try… Continue reading

How much money do you get paid being a movie actor ?

Question by Tiger Man: How much money do you get paid being a movie actor ? How much money do you get paid being a movie acator ? do they get paid for making a movie for signing a… Continue reading

Are entertainment industry conventions just interested in making money off of the fans?

Question by the who: Are entertainment industry conventions just interested in making money off of the fans? You’ve heard of star wars conventions, horror movie conventions, etc. Where the actors/directors, etc are there and sell pics of themselves/autographs and… Continue reading

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