Q&A: When filming a movie with a digital camcorder….?
Question by ddzaszcxascs: When filming a movie with a digital camcorder….? How do I make the the audio sound professional? Should I record it on some other device (if so what should I record it with?) and then sync… Continue reading
Q&A: Zombie Movie Assistance?
Question by Ozzfest 2007 ROCK3D: Zombie Movie Assistance? My friend and I are makin a zombie movie for the Diary of the Dead contest to get the movie put on the DOTD DVD. We have found that if you… Continue reading
are they making the book lovely bones by alice sebold into a movie?
Question by mary: are they making the book lovely bones by alice sebold into a movie? and if they are do you think you could give a link to a trailer or something that would say when it comes… Continue reading
Abduction — Movie Review
Abduction (2011) “A Watchable, fast-moving haphazard mess”, 4/10. Full episodes of Movie Night, every Friday night at: bit.ly ~~ Movie Night ~~ This “Quick Review” is an excerpt from a full episode. Incorporating viewer comments and tweets, your host and… Continue reading
Why won’t my Windows Mover Maker movie work?
Question by : Why won’t my Windows Mover Maker movie work? My friends and I recently got together and messed around and made a short film, which I downloaded to my computer to edit. I converted the mpeg video into… Continue reading