
how do i make windows movie maker work faster with my flip mino hd?

Question by : how do i make windows movie maker work faster with my flip mino hd? i have a flip mino hd, and i know how to get the file into windows movie maker, but it is really really… Continue reading


Question by Ally(:: WHAT IS THIS MOVIE CALLED?!? It is in the 1950’s a mother who has 8 kids and an achholic husband is trying to make money by writing poems and entering them in contests she writes multiple… Continue reading

why wont windows movie maker work with other computers?

Question by Zakk: why wont windows movie maker work with other computers? ok i have a windows vista, and when ever i edit a movie using windows movie make and try to use that file on another computer or… Continue reading

how do you make a video on youtube involving movie clips?

by BenSpark

Question by Ronald W: how do you make a video on youtube involving movie clips? i want to make a harry potter movie clip video(no hate please) but i dont know any websites to go to. please… Continue reading

How much money do movie directors make?

by tobybarnes

Question by Patrick M: How much money do movie directors make?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeffy.The range is too great to even speculate. It could be a few thousand to a few million depending on many… Continue reading

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