Q&A: How do independent movies (straight to video or …) make their money?
Question by FAshionPassion: How do independent movies (straight to video or …) make their money? specifically million dollar budget movies. Do they sell to networks (television channels?) or sell to Blockbusters/netflix/hollywood video?
Best answer:
Answer by Film… Continue reading
How do actors make money when theyre arent making movies or shows?
Question by Funny Questions…Funny Answers: How do actors make money when theyre arent making movies or shows? im speaking about famous people who dont have businesses and arent making movies…how do they make movies…for instance..Megan Fox,… Continue reading
what are you looking forward to in terms of huge movies?
Question by Thready Sparrow: what are you looking forward to in terms of huge movies? what summer blockbuster huge budget movie are you going to see this summer? dont give me any little independent movies, im talking… Continue reading
Q&A: What are some movies on DVD that have the best ‘making of’ featurettes?
Question by Jakenbocker: What are some movies on DVD that have the best ‘making of’ featurettes? I am an aspiring filmmaker, and movies that have behind-the-scenes featurettes on their DVD’s are amazing to me. I just… Continue reading
Why do women in movies always play a sexy or beautiful character?
Question by hantonkate: Why do women in movies always play a sexy or beautiful character? It is no secret that the film industry wants beautiful people to play in their movies. However, men are some times excused from that.… Continue reading