What are some movies like Amanda Bynes movie “What a girl wants” or “She the man”?
Question by Rainbow: What are some movies like Amanda Bynes movie “What a girl wants” or “She the man”? Amanda Bynes is a great actress and i really want to see more movies like Amanda so can… Continue reading
Q&A: are they going to be making all twilight movies?
Question by hi im mya! =]: are they going to be making all twilight movies? tht would be so awsome r they do u know?
Best answer:
Answer by twily twilight girlThey might stephanie Meyer isn’t… Continue reading
Do movies about interracial relationships make the subject taboo?
Question by Jennifer: Do movies about interracial relationships make the subject taboo? Movies like Guess Who and Our Family Wedding. Do they make they subject taboo or perpetuate old fashioned thinking? I think they do because everyone… Continue reading
Do you think the fantasies of movies effect society?
Question by paul: Do you think the fantasies of movies effect society? I look around and it seems like everyone is trying to live a life of a movie or tv show where everyone plays a perfect character and… Continue reading
Q&A: Any tips for making home movies of the adult variety?
Question by fastwateruk: Any tips for making home movies of the adult variety?
Best answer:
Answer by Diane Syes…don’t
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