
Why do movies make black people look so rude?

by tonyhall

Question by Cassandra S.: Why do movies make black people look so rude? I mean, most of the movies I see nowadays. Black people are very nice and not all of them are like seriously dangerous. But… Continue reading

so which digital cameras out there can make movies in HD?

Question by Rick C: so which digital cameras out there can make movies in HD? I ain’t talking about HD camcorders. I’m talking about the newest digital cameras that can take some great photos or video in HD. I… Continue reading

What is a good place to make movies?

by dcipjr

Question by Taylor and Brooke: What is a good place to make movies? Hi i am taylor and my page is MangoRush17 on youtube but i want to make a movie. I already used Windows Movie Maker… Continue reading

What type of career would this be? (movies)?

by Shaojin+AT

Question by StonerChick: What type of career would this be? (movies)? I come up with really good plots for movies & would love to work in the movie industry I can make a great story but I… Continue reading

I have a question regarding movies and I need your help?


Question by Awesome Bill: I have a question regarding movies and I need your help? I know that since the birth of the movie-making industry that film technology, contracts, laws, and special effects all play a… Continue reading

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