movies and real life mirror one another do they not ?
Question by Dukei: movies and real life mirror one another do they not ? in the old world war map’s genaral patton’s U:S flag was centered apon the map roughly about125 miles inland:yet on the right was Mckenzies french… Continue reading
What are some good websites to download movies for free?
Question by YoungWhoop: What are some good websites to download movies for free? I want to download a movie because where I will be I won’t have internet access. So what are some good websites that I can go… Continue reading
Q&A: Is it weird that scary movies make me feel better?
Question by olivamy214: Is it weird that scary movies make me feel better? Like when I’m depressed or something really bothers me, scary movies I guess kind of distract me from those negative feelings.
Does this… Continue reading
What is to best program to make flash movies?
Question by a: What is to best program to make flash movies? I use adobe fireworks, but now it seems like they’ve got 1000 different other programs. What do most websites use to make their swf files?
Best answer:… Continue reading