
Q&A: How can you rate a question? Do you like making movies?

Question by Alex Franks: How can you rate a question? Do you like making movies? I asked a pretty straight forward question last week. One that made sense to me because it was also a FREE opportunity to take… Continue reading

The technology in movies such as eagle eye and deja vu… does USA have that? but just hiding it from us?

by Ken Lund

Question by Vanish: The technology in movies such as eagle eye and deja vu… does USA have that? but just hiding it from us? i was just watching eagle eye and i find that the technology… Continue reading

What kind of Horror movies would you see that are out right now?

by Lomo-Cam

Question by Michael B: What kind of Horror movies would you see that are out right now? I really like this girl and we are going to go out on a date and she wants to see… Continue reading

How many Harry Potter movies are they going to keep on making?

by Charlie Perez

Question by PREDATOR: How many Harry Potter movies are they going to keep on making? It almost like they keep on making star wars movies every time I turn around

is Harry Potter movies really that… Continue reading

Making top ten lists are easy especially when it comes to movies, but can anyone come up with 26?

Question by logicboy: Making top ten lists are easy especially when it comes to movies, but can anyone come up with 26? Okay, my friends and I are always trying to come up with the best lists for Movies.… Continue reading

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