what is a good software or program to download to make stick figure movies?
Question by crayolaboy1: what is a good software or program to download to make stick figure movies? i want to crate my own movie about stick figures but i need a good software
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what are peoples views on directors making movies based off of video games?
Question by : what are peoples views on directors making movies based off of video games? been watching a lot of movies back from the 90s that are based off of video games that i love (and still play to… Continue reading
Why does it seem like the black border in movies make a difference?
Question by Bob: Why does it seem like the black border in movies make a difference? Nowadays you’ll notice a lot or all movies seem to have that black border on the top and bottom of the… Continue reading
Maumelle actress to appear in two Hollywood movies
Maumelle actress to appear in two Hollywood movies Laura-Leigh, the young Maumelle actress who studied at Julliard, appeared on Broadway and in television on “Gossip Girls” landed a part in John Carpenter’s movie, “The Ward.” That opportunity immediately was followed… Continue reading
What are some good movies to watch in Spanish?
Question by Bob C: What are some good movies to watch in Spanish? I have a summer homework assignment where I must watch a movie in spanish, then briefly summarize it. The movie does not necessarily have to be… Continue reading