How does a Director go from Film School to making movies?
Question by : How does a Director go from Film School to making movies? Does he have to get a job at a studio, etc, what does he have to do,
Best answer:
Answer by wertherEither get a job… Continue reading
Q&A: i want to watch movies for free online without making any kind of account or attaching credit cards?
Question by Addy: i want to watch movies for free online without making any kind of account or attaching credit cards? can you tell me a website for it? if not online then tell me a site… Continue reading
How do I make home movies that look like old fashioned 50s style home movies?
Question by shmick_chicky: How do I make home movies that look like old fashioned 50s style home movies? Like with bright blotchy lighting & that flickery look… what kind of camera, film etc, where can i get it? If… Continue reading
I have a lot of great ideas for movies and I think they could become great hits. How do I make a movie?
Question by Ordinary Kid: I have a lot of great ideas for movies and I think they could become great hits. How do I make a movie? I’d love to make a movie, but have no… Continue reading
why are some making movies like vinci code & there was a documentry made about jesus christ burial ground?
Question by venkatraman s: why are some making movies like vinci code & there was a documentry made about jesus christ burial ground? what are they out to prove if some people they want to believe they… Continue reading