
How come my Sims 2 movies uploaded to Youtube are black?

by aditza121

Question by Komori202: How come my Sims 2 movies uploaded to Youtube are black? Whenever I make a sims 2 movie on Window Movie Maker, I publish it to my computer than upload it to youtube. It… Continue reading

Why does hollywood make so many movies where they act like it ok they women is cheating on her husband?

Question by : Why does hollywood make so many movies where they act like it ok they women is cheating on her husband? and notice how they do not make movies like that about men

Best answer:

Answer by ♂… Continue reading

Why does hollywood make so many movies where they act like it ok they women is cheating on her husband?

Question by : Why does hollywood make so many movies where they act like it ok they women is cheating on her husband? notice how they do not make movies like that about cheating men

Best answer:

Answer by Mimkat… Continue reading

How to make your movies look professional?

Question by dave1452: How to make your movies look professional? I make videos with a Sony handy cam, and I want to know how to make your movies have that darkened, pro filter effect. How do you do it?… Continue reading

Q&A: Where do they get those reference books that characters use in horror movies?

Question by : Where do they get those reference books that characters use in horror movies? Yes, I meant to say “IN”.

You know how it is, while the plot unfolds – a character will pull out thick volumes of… Continue reading

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