Q&A: How can I make myself forget something?
Question by : How can I make myself forget something? Like a spoiler to a show or movie or something? Someone told me a spoiler about the ending of a movie and I want to try to… Continue reading
Nethercraft Mod Adventures – |Ep. 9| – “Arguing with Myself”
I have 20k Subs guys! Thanks! Be sure to give this video a like if you enjoyed it! Download the mod here: www.minecraftforum.net If it takes you to the top of the page, scroll down! The Nethercraft Mod was created… Continue reading
How can i feel good about myself when i see so many beautiful actors and models?
Question by ♥HF♥: How can i feel good about myself when i see so many beautiful actors and models? all around me- on the tv, in magazines, in internet and billboard ads, in clothing ads, and… Continue reading
Will Smith – Mindset Wisdom (How To Excel) (Myself) (Confidence) (World) (Dream) (Life)
rodrigowerner.com Will smith’s mindset wisdom says it all! It has helped me have a mindset towards my dreams in life, helped me have self – confidence and self – esteem. Helped me see the world with different eyes, if you… Continue reading
has my imagination been carried away am i fazing myself to believe in something thats not real. Please Answer.?
Question by Houdini: has my imagination been carried away am i fazing myself to believe in something thats not real. Please Answer.? if i start to dream or think about acting a certain way or changing,would i start to… Continue reading