
What is the name of this movie?

Question by tawny g: What is the name of this movie? Some kind of time traveling device is invented and brings you back to prehistoric times. You are on this kind of narrow runway and can’t leave it. Someone… Continue reading

I need help finding the name of a movie I watched when I was a kid?

Question by : I need help finding the name of a movie I watched when I was a kid? The basic gist was that there was a group of guys (in high school, I think) that would “transform” and go… Continue reading

What is the name of this movie?

by dcosand

Question by Big.Dreamer: What is the name of this movie? I’m not sure how old it is… but i think it is within the last 15 years. it is about a poor family living in america, the… Continue reading

What is the name of the stuff movie makeup artist use to reshape your nose?

Question by curious247: What is the name of the stuff movie makeup artist use to reshape your nose? Looking to make a movie and I need to change the look of my nose. What is the name of the… Continue reading

What is the name of this 80’s movie?

by tango.mceffrie

Question by Richard: What is the name of this 80’s movie? I dont remember all the details of the movie but here it goes: (i think) the setting is a Summer Camp. Early in the movie someone… Continue reading

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