Name of movie where at kid’s party, clown making balloons makes a phallic-shaped one for a mom?
Question by Marc66: Name of movie where at kid’s party, clown making balloons makes a phallic-shaped one for a mom? My sister and I are going crazy trying to figure this out. In the mid-nineties, there… Continue reading
Name of this weird movie?
Question by xxx SiT On My North Pole xxx: Name of this weird movie? I remember the main character was a teen contemplating college. He put off college to take care of his pretty hot looking mom who had… Continue reading
How to contact Disney film producer and director for convincing them to name and make a movie?
Question by ripponjeet: How to contact Disney film producer and director for convincing them to name and make a movie?
Best answer:
Answer by John Crispgood luck on that idea.
if you want something made you better write… Continue reading
Q&A: Can you name a movie after a coprighted product?
Question by Clowdy: Can you name a movie after a coprighted product? If I make a movie and the title is the same as a copyrighted product, but i have no intnetion on making money from the film, I… Continue reading
do u remember the name of this cartoon movie when there are 6 kids 3 boys 3 girls making a race in a ballone?
Question by Budy G: do u remember the name of this cartoon movie when there are 6 kids 3 boys 3 girls making a race in a ballone? and they have funny voices… Continue reading