
I need help making a Sims 2 movie?

Question by : I need help making a Sims 2 movie? Ive been looking up videos on youtube how to make a Sims 2 movie and I try to do it but I can’t figure out how to do it..… Continue reading

I need some help with making a video on Microsoft Movie Maker!?

Question by : I need some help with making a video on Microsoft Movie Maker!? I need help with making a video, I would love some tips or ideas!? I’m making a video on Microsoft Movie Maker and I would… Continue reading

I am making a movie and I need to kno a good camera to buy.?

Question by : I am making a movie and I need to kno a good camera to buy.? I am thinking about becoming a director so Im making a movie wit some friends and I want it to turn out… Continue reading

I need a movie making software like Vegas Pro?

Question by : I need a movie making software like Vegas Pro? Basically I make short videos on Windows movie maker of Pictures and video clips all the time but I kinda hate the software :/ Anyone know any GOOD… Continue reading

Sims 2- How to become a Witch- (Need apartments and NightLife, without cheats!)

Ok so here’s how to get a witch in a nutshell, it’s easy and fun =) You need the Sims 2 Apartments And Nightlife, thanks guys for pointing this out ^^ This is one method there are other ways as… Continue reading

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