
whats that movie called when there’s this ship in the ocean and a big wave tips it over during night.?

Question by ashleybabeee: whats that movie called when there’s this ship in the ocean and a big wave tips it over during night.? okay, so ive seen this movie before but i forgot what its called. it starts out… Continue reading

Night of the Living Dead

“One of the 20 Scariest Movies of All Time” (Entertainment Weekly), George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead still sets the standard for all indie fright flicks. This 40th Anniversary Edition, authorized by the director himself, reanimates the landmark… Continue reading

iam on the third night world book. does anyone know if theyre going to make a movie out of the books?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by : iam on the third night world book. does anyone know if theyre going to make a movie out of the books? also does anyone know when strange fate is coming out? i think strange… Continue reading

So from the question early: what to do with 7 little kids i decide to have a movie night.?

Question by BossLady: So from the question early: what to do with 7 little kids i decide to have a movie night.? SO i’m thinking about getting each of the older kids favorite snacks making a fort and we… Continue reading

I went to the Midnight showing of New Moon last night and is was good, anybody else see it yet?Did you like it?

by frogDNA

Question by Jennifer: I went to the Midnight showing of New Moon last night and is was good, anybody else see it yet?Did you like it? I thoght it followed the book pretty well, they only changed… Continue reading

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