Obama: U.S. Can’t Afford to Relive GOP Tax Plans
Obama: U.S. Can’t Afford to Relive GOP Tax Plans Calls Republicans’ Pledge on Taxes, Spending “An Echo of a Disastrous Decade” That Created Current Crisis Read more on CBS News
Blockbuster files for bankruptcy protection NEW YORK (AP) — Blockbuster… Continue reading
Obama to send US water supplies to Kenya
“Water is the Next Oil” —T Boone Pickens 49 Million Americans have dirty drinking water because of immigration www.washingtonexaminer.com Texas oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens is about to make a killing by selling water he doesnt own. As he does… Continue reading
The Obama and Oprah Selling Machine
The Obama and Oprah Selling Machine
Who is on your sales team? Often, success in the field is far from an individual effort. There is frequently an inside customer service group, service coordinators, a product expediter, a dependable… Continue reading
Q&A: When Obama becomes president, will they make a movie out of him?
Question by Gyro Dave: When Obama becomes president, will they make a movie out of him? He’s going to make history once he takes over the white house come this Jan. as the first African-American President… Continue reading