Where can I watch the movie Funny Games (2008) online?
Question by Christina: Where can I watch the movie Funny Games (2008) online? I can’t seem to find it on any of the free online movie websites! I really would like to see it? Most… Continue reading
Q&A: post poems online to be rated?
Question by Plutus: post poems online to be rated? I use to use a site to post my poems on and people could read them and rate them. The site also made… Continue reading
Q&A: Where to watch The Secret (a movie) online at a safe site?
Question by BT: Where to watch The Secret (a movie) online at a safe site? I’ve checked video stores for the movie, but almost no one has it (the only one who has it is… Continue reading
Why is netflix legal?How is this different then watching movies online?
Question by : Why is netflix legal?How is this different then watching movies online? How do movie companies make money if I don’t buy there movie and instead watch it on netflix?Why do they allow this?
Best answer:… Continue reading
Where can I download movies online?
Question by : Where can I download movies online? I tried searching Itunes but I can’t find the movie I want. they are only available as DVD at a high price on Play.com some costing 50GBP!!!! (Lion… Continue reading