Q&A: What are your opinions on the movie Pearl Harbor?
by Derek K. Miller
Question by yellow x submarine: What are your opinions on the movie Pearl Harbor? My opinion: I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!! It has a great storyline and it looks very real. The directors did a good… Continue reading
Q&A: What are peoples’s opinions on making a movie of Hunger Games?
Question by none: What are peoples’s opinions on making a movie of Hunger Games? personally i think it would be absolute rubbish if they make a movie and that if they did, it would have to be rated something… Continue reading
I have a movie idea for a class project. I need opinions and/or comments?
Question by Kevin: I have a movie idea for a class project. I need opinions and/or comments? Hey guys. I have to make a movie for a competition for the school. 47 films are being submitted and… Continue reading →