
Countdown to the Oscars: No Oscar love for casting directors

Countdown to the Oscars: No Oscar love for casting directors The film academy honors actors, sound editors and others, so why not casting directors? Some say they want more recognition; the academy and others say it would be a tough… Continue reading

TV Junkie: Oscar Picks – Cocktails & Winners

TV Junkie: Oscar Picks – Cocktails & Winners In preparation for tomorrow’s marathon of celebgratuity we’re offering our list of picks from the 83 Academy Awards nominees as well as the recipes for several cocktails to get you through the… Continue reading

Christopher Nolan’s Inception Oscar Snub

My first contact making animation, performance, video & sound production Image by by Lorena Taken & edited with my iPhone. Posted via email from raising a child

Christopher Nolan’s Inception Oscar Snub Nolan saw nominations for Best Picture and Best… Continue reading

Make Oscar picks to win an HDTV and Blu-ray player

Make Oscar picks to win an HDTV and Blu-ray player The Detroit News will be giving a 32-inch HDTV and Blu-ray disc player to some lucky — OK, skilled and knowledgeable — reader who can predict this year’s Oscar winners… Continue reading

Making some Oscar prognostications

Making some Oscar prognostications It’s that time of year again — the movie awards season. So Hollywood and filmmakers everywhere trot out their best efforts, or so it seems the rest of the year, for the purpose of garnering relatively… Continue reading

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