Parents Flock To State Screenings Of Film About High Stress In Schools
Parents Flock To State Screenings Of Film About High Stress In Schools ‘Race To Nowhere’ Portrays A Test-Oriented Culture That Leaves Students Unprepared For College A grass-roots film about the high pressure to perform in American schools and the toll… Continue reading
Sims 3 PC Halloween Horror official video game trailer parents who Woo Hoo! – Electronic Arts announce that the hotly anticipated The Sims 3, stormed retail shelves starting June 2nd and sold thru more than 1.4 million PC units within the first week making it the best-selling PC launch in EAs history.… Continue reading
Where can I find free Chritmas play scripts for 5 to 17 year olds to preform for their parents?
Question by Sian G: Where can I find free Chritmas play scripts for 5 to 17 year olds to preform for their parents?
Best answer:
Answer by Kristian DWhy not have the kids write the play themselves? The… Continue reading
Rover’s First “Steps” Make “Parents” Proud on This Week @ NASA
The Mars Science Laboratory, also known as Curiosity, rolled across a clean room floor at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, essentially taking its first “steps” before proud mission team members. The largest rover ever made for Mars is scheduled to launch… Continue reading
Parents… How do you feel about…?
Question by proudmatriarch: Parents… How do you feel about…? letting your children 10 and under, watch scary movies? If you let them watch( with you, I hope) do you discuss with them what they have seen and explain to… Continue reading