Do background people in movies make money?
Question by : Do background people in movies make money? In movies where there are thousands of people in the background…like sporting events (Rocky). Do they make money? or do they do it just for fun?
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Are there any people who actually prefer the movie rather than the book? (in any case)?
Question by FAST HEDGEHOG: Are there any people who actually prefer the movie rather than the book? (in any case)? I prefer the book rather than the movie, no matter what it is. I know most people… Continue reading
Do background people in movies make money?
Question by : Do background people in movies make money? In movies where there are thousands of people in the background…like sporting events (Rocky). Do they make money? or do they do it just for… Continue reading
Q&A: I’d like people to stop nagging me about religion?
Question by : I’d like people to stop nagging me about religion? I’m the only Gay person in my school, and one of the only atheists. There is a large group of kids at school, I call them the “Jesus… Continue reading