
The Ultimate Lomo Effect Photoshop Tutorial – Creating Lomography from Digital Photography Lomo Photography or Lomography has gained quite the cult following in recent years. And it’s no wonder. These little Lo-Fi cameras, such as the Lomo LC-A, produce some really cool and compelling images. Aside from the Lo-Fi look of… Continue reading

Low light photography tips (Dom Bower) Help Me keep making these videos by checking the link below . It takes you to the online store that can sell this stuff. facebook page http twitter Here is a video giving some ideas of… Continue reading

Master iPhone Photography with Hipstamatic Tips!

AppJudgment #333: Check out our playlist of other awesome iPhone photo apps and tips: Doc Pop of Sincerely Inc. walks us through his favorite iPhone photo tips and tricks. Use these methods to get the most of the… Continue reading

Digital Photography Tricks Using Photoshop White Background Digital Photoshop Tutorial

Photography By Katrina Brown White Background Digital Photoshop Tutorial Video Rating: 4 / 5

What on Earth is Stock Photography?

Another #askDRTV, and a question asking us what stock photography is all about. In this video, Kai, Lok & Alamby show you what stock photography is and the quick and easy way to making some images to make money on stock/micro stock photo websites.

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