Q&A: If movie camera can make one look 10 pounds heavier. The same happens with photography?
Question by theotherflapper: If movie camera can make one look 10 pounds heavier. The same happens with photography?
Best answer:
Answer by thehistorymansure, why not?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
How to Make a Composite Image (Photography tutorial by Dom Bower) (free software; GIMP)
Photo blog www.dombowerphoto.blogspot.com In this video i show you the steps from taking the photos that will be used in a composite image. A composite image is one that is made up of a couple of photos or parts of… Continue reading
What is a good camera for a 12 year old boy who loves photography and is pretty expert for his age?
Question by superstar9578: What is a good camera for a 12 year old boy who loves photography and is pretty expert for his age? I’m going to be thirteen soon. So what is a good Digital Camera?… Continue reading
Critic’s Notebook: Ed Ruscha’s revolutionary moment in street photography
Critic’s Notebook: Ed Ruscha’s revolutionary moment in street photography The ‘Streetwise’ exhibition in San Diego walks with one generation of street photographers. Then Ed Ruscha came driving along, headed toward events to come. You don’t hear much about street photography… Continue reading
Simple Flash Portrait Photography Tips by Dom Bower
Blog www.dombowerphoto.blogspot.com Help Me keep making these videos by checking the link below . It takes you to the online store that can sell this stuff. http www.dombower.com facebook page http twitter twitter.com Video showing / demonstrating how to take… Continue reading