Do you think it is immoral for a man to use rape survivor forums as a place for him to satisfy his fantasies?
Question by Ban Henick: Do you think it is immoral for a man to use rape survivor forums as a place for him to satisfy his fantasies? Do you think it is immoral for a man to use rape… Continue reading
What is the nearest place for try-outs for the Artemis Fowl movie in Florida?
Question by Kate: What is the nearest place for try-outs for the Artemis Fowl movie in Florida? Im really into acting, I really want an acting job and I love the Artemis Fowl series.They are going to make a… Continue reading
Jack and Abby Deveraux-Safe Place To Hide
Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of the material used in the video. NO copyright infringement was intended in the making of this video. This is just a friendly video for the fans of Jack Deveraux and Abby Deveraux. Song:… Continue reading
Do we still use technicolor for movies or is there something new technology out that took the place of it?
Question by thomas: Do we still use technicolor for movies or is there something new technology out that took the place of it? I guess the question is…is Technicolor an old technology that is barely used anymore… Continue reading
Q&A: Is there any place I can get music free for widows live movie maker?
Question by Andy: Is there any place I can get music free for widows live movie maker? I need a site that is legal, is free, and that can allow downloads to all music. I am… Continue reading