Is there any possible Gay oriented plays scripts I can find?
Question by camboy8: Is there any possible Gay oriented plays scripts I can find? I know this might be a tad odd, but If you think of it it sounds like there’d be tons. But are there any play… Continue reading
Is there a program that plays music from scripts?
Question by Iain D: Is there a program that plays music from scripts? Like a program that you put all the dots on the lines and then it plays it? Does this need more explaining or do… Continue reading
What are some good plays that I can get the scripts to?
Question by LoVeIsOuRwEaPoN: What are some good plays that I can get the scripts to? I need a play script to read that i can find easily. I also will be acting out a scene from this… Continue reading
Titles, big plays make it a season to remember
Titles, big plays make it a season to remember The year 1975 saw Carlton Fisk wave his walk-off homer fair in iconic fashion and “Wheel of Fortune” premier on TV. “Jaws” was the top movie at the box office, Bruce… Continue reading
Q&A: What WEBSITE can i find scripts for plays and musicals for free?
Question by ladyboolala: What WEBSITE can i find scripts for plays and musicals for free? My acting teacher wants me to perform a monologue from the musical Runaways, but i have to read the entire thing in order to… Continue reading