
Movie Trailer Help? Please?

Question by : Movie Trailer Help? Please? Ok so for my class we have to make a movie trailer. We want to make it funny but at the same time make it an A, were thinking between a romance story… Continue reading

Help me with my resume please! Does it looks ok?Please, help me to make it better.?

by jurvetson

Question by : Help me with my resume please! Does it looks ok?Please, help me to make it better.? Alexander XXXXXXX XXX Bratislavskaya str., XXXXMobile +7 (9XX) XXX-XXXX Moscow, Russia, XXXXX Email: —————————————————————– OBJECTIVE__________________________ To obtain an… Continue reading

Youtube Contest Help Please?!?

Question by Abz: Youtube Contest Help Please?!? Ok so there is this contest on youtube by the company “I am Rouge” and it features Brittani Louise Taylor, Joe Nation, Phil Defranko, and iJustine. Well in the contest it said… Continue reading

Making my first YouTube video! Please help me!?

by Chris Devers

Question by : Making my first YouTube video! Please help me!? I want to make my very first YouTube video today, but I need some help. I’m trying to find a way of introducing myself and talking… Continue reading

i have idea for a movie please help?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by Aram: i have idea for a movie please help? its going to be animated i have the storyline, characters, songs that should be in it, but i cant draw, i cant write, should i… Continue reading

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