How do I contact a Television executive to share a possible movie or television concept?
Question by ffithchild: How do I contact a Television executive to share a possible movie or television concept? I would like to share a couple of sure winning television or movie concepts. How do I make contact?
Best answer:… Continue reading
I’m russian speaking and can understand audio english in general.Where is possible to find scripts?
Question by mishpahavaiser: I’m russian speaking and can understand audio english in general.Where is possible to find scripts? I see so many interesting in Web,especially youtube but can’t understand in details. May be it is possible to… Continue reading
Is it possible to write a movie script being a beginner and still make it big?
Question by justme: Is it possible to write a movie script being a beginner and still make it big? I’ve heard that some of the most famous movie writers have started from nothing from writing one… Continue reading
Is there any truth to a possible Entourage movie after the series?
Question by Jt: Is there any truth to a possible Entourage movie after the series? I was recently reading a forum thread on and several people mentioned that there was going to be a movie, possibly even a… Continue reading
Technology Now Makes TV on Pc Possible
Technology Now Makes TV on Pc Possible
Cutting edge technology now makes TV on PC possible. Your home computer can now be your window to the world. Most assume that television can only be received from a… Continue reading