Silent films and the 1900s vs. Present Day?
Question by Azad A: Silent films and the 1900s vs. Present Day? Hey, my topic for and HOA short paper is silent films and why they don’t exist anymore in the 21st century and then to write why you… Continue reading
What should i put in my sisters birthday present?
Question by rdpandas: What should i put in my sisters birthday present? I am making her a Cozy College Kit- Starbucks gift card, a season of friends, comfy socks, a 17 magazine, photo album of pics of… Continue reading
what’s a good way to present a story in front of my english class-a movie, skit.anything else creative?
Question by marina: what’s a good way to present a story in front of my english class-a movie, skit.anything else creative? for an english 4 class either we can re-enact the whole story, make a movie of it, present it live, anything else that makes sense she says but is there anything else we can do that isn;t the same thing over and over that every one else is going to do ANY IDEAS>!>!> please
Best answer:
Answer by kiwii would act it out.
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Q&A: present for a sixteen year old?…?
Question by pilli: present for a sixteen year old?…? hey, my cousins turning 15 next weekend,and i need to get her something under $ 50. Shes getting a laptop from my aunt,so i was thinking of getting her some… Continue reading
Past And Present, A ‘Princess’ In Unlikely Love
Making Movies in Prague Image by Adeodatus I gave this photo a little thought–in color the shot doesn’t do much, except for the statues, the actual film crew is out of place. But with Black and White, the photo takes… Continue reading