
Why isn’t Michael Moore making a movie about how awful of a job President Obama is doing?

by mollygolightly

Question by The Cult of Personality: Why isn’t Michael Moore making a movie about how awful of a job President Obama is doing? Never mind…I think I answered my own question.

Best answer:

Answer by Captain Cold… Continue reading

President Obama Meets with Economic Recovery Advisory Board

President Obama meets with the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB), chaired by Paul Volcker, at the White House. October 4, 2010.

Robert McKee’s Storylogue: Interview with QED President Bill Block – Pt. 2

Part of Storylogue’s content includes a new interview being posted every week on Sunday. The interviews are with successful people in different realms of the industry – screenwriters, filmmakers, actors, novelists, TV executives, attorneys, etc. This year already interviews on… Continue reading

Q&A: When Obama becomes president, will they make a movie out of him?

by Okinawa Soba

Question by Gyro Dave: When Obama becomes president, will they make a movie out of him? He’s going to make history once he takes over the white house come this Jan. as the first African-American President… Continue reading

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