Q&A: i need help wit my movie project in spanish class?
Question by Queen of horror: i need help wit my movie project in spanish class? ok well i am in highschool 15 not in any honors classes well my spanish teacher thought it was a good idea to make… Continue reading
Q&A: How to change video format so windows movie maker project can go on youtube?!?
Question by Annie (:: How to change video format so windows movie maker project can go on youtube?!? Hey! I have a windows movie maker project and I need to convert the files so it can go on youtube… Continue reading
1920’s movie project, need a few ideas?
Question by Kimberlyn: 1920’s movie project, need a few ideas? My history class has to do a movie project focused around the 1920’s. My group has decided to make a movie ABOUT the 1920’s, rather than a movie FROM… Continue reading
KassemG Exclusive Interview: The Partners Project Ep. 5
2006. October. The name KassemG was registered and changed the internet forever. The hilarious KassemG stops by the Partners Project and tells the story about how he got his start on YouTube by filming his wife and kids…oh, wait, that’s… Continue reading