
Mystery Cube-in-a-Cube Puzzle Woodworking Project

Quickie woodworking project showing how to make a cube within a cube. This is a fun and simple project. If you make one, post a video response! I’d love to see other ways of doing this. Video Rating: 4 / 5

My Drunk Kitchen Interview: The Partners Project Episode 46 ThePartners Project is the talk show of YouTube. Every week a new episode will give you a behind the scenes and intimate look at your favorite YouTube stars who are pioneering this cultural phenomena. Interviews with Top YouTube stars… Continue reading

PROJECT Middleground (Reach Machinima)

“In a new kind of story fully exploiting the Forge Mode of Halo Reach, Black Plasma Studios brings you an epic action-drama film following a man and his experiences of a new world called Middleground, a place where you can… Continue reading

Is There a Program that can Help me with this Movie Project?

by dbking

Question by : Is There a Program that can Help me with this Movie Project? My friends and I have decided to make a movie. The script is already done, the cast is dedicated, and we are having… Continue reading

how might i make this movie prop? need for school project. retractable hockey stick?

by SteveO526

Question by : how might i make this movie prop? need for school project. retractable hockey stick? me and a few friends are making a movie for a school project, it can be about anything so we chose… Continue reading

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