Question by Makayla B: ART PROJECT……………? hi. so, i have an art project that’s due on friday. we have to choose our favourite movie, then make a mobile about that movie . like, you know… Continue reading
What can be used for my project, power point or a movie making program or what?
Question by Ernesto: What can be used for my project, power point or a movie making program or what? I am wanting to use a software program that will let me use some video footage (to… Continue reading
How should I dress up as Clove from the Hunger Games for a school project?
Question by : How should I dress up as Clove from the Hunger Games for a school project? We’re making our own Hunger Games movie for a school project. For you who have read the book, how should I dress… Continue reading
movie project on alice in wonderland who should i cast?? ?
Question by Alison: movie project on alice in wonderland who should i cast?? ? for a school project i need 2 make a movie poster for Alice in Wonderland
who should i cast for the following characters:… Continue reading
What is a good movie idea for a school project?!?
Question by xchooken_chipsx: What is a good movie idea for a school project?!? I need a good idea for a movie to make for my school project!!! can you help me??
Best answer:
Answer by dedeetresgo with “lunchtime”…..… Continue reading