Q&A: 1920’s movie project, need a few ideas?
Question by Kimberlyn: 1920’s movie project, need a few ideas? My history class has to do a movie project focused around the 1920’s. My group has decided to make a movie ABOUT the 1920’s, rather than a… Continue reading
I need to make a short movie using Director MX 2004 for a school project. Does anyone have any ideas for me?
Question by Jack: I need to make a short movie using Director MX 2004 for a school project. Does anyone have any ideas for me? im lacking creativity right now. thanks
Best answer:
Answer by Alfonso E… Continue reading
The Tunnel 2011 by The Tunnel Project (ENG CC)
“This free release of The Tunnel was made possible by all the supporters of the 135K Project. If you enjoy it, show your support for the filmmakers by heading to www.thetunnelmovie.net and by buying a frame, a hard copy DVD… Continue reading
FSX Tutorial – How to Merge the Default Boeing 747 Virtual Cockpit (VC) with Project Open Sky 747
Download My Toolbar: fsxlanderpg.ourtoolbar.com VC Merge and Install Tutorial If you find this tutorial helpful or want me to create more tutorials, please leave me a 5 stars ratings, because the more you rate, the more I will be able… Continue reading
Q&A: English Project: I need a title for my movie? HELP!?
Question by : English Project: I need a title for my movie? HELP!? My friends and I had to make a movie for english. It is about this girl who came from homeschooling that… Continue reading