Can you write an amusing paragraph or 2 or more that includes these movie quotes??
Question by ILOveDillon: Can you write an amusing paragraph or 2 or more that includes these movie quotes?? 1. Wax on. Wax off. 2. And I was having SUCH a good day! 3. I ate garbage last night, Barbara…… Continue reading
10 points to the person who gets all these quotes correct first. They are all famous movie quotes.?
Question by : 10 points to the person who gets all these quotes correct first. They are all famous movie quotes.? 1. “You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs,… Continue reading
Q&A: what are your favorite movie love quotes?
Question by .: what are your favorite movie love quotes? this one is my favorite.
Because that’s what people do. They leap, and hope to God they can fly, because otherwise you just… Continue reading
Q&A: which of these MOVIE QUOTES is your FAVORITE?
Question by Special Magic Is In The Air: which of these MOVIE QUOTES is your FAVORITE? ” i believe whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger ” the joker from the dark knight
” it can’t rain… Continue reading
Q&A: Do you know these movie quotes?
Question by