
Is it possible to read scripts of Hindi films online?

Question by jyoti k: Is it possible to read scripts of Hindi films online? I want to read the scripts of some Hindi films.Are they available,any where?

Best answer:

Answer by the_sunilNobody has ever thought of putting Hindi… Continue reading

4 those of U who read Heavy Metal Magazine I heard they will make a movie about Flourescent Black, is that so?

by Colin Purrington

Question by Friendly Pagan Sociopath: 4 those of U who read Heavy Metal Magazine I heard they will make a movie about Flourescent Black, is that so? Please people answer only if you know what Im… Continue reading

Read Now – How Did I Increase My 5′ Penis Into A Monster – Here Is The Secret To Make Your Small Penis Bigger

by jurvetson

Read Now – How Did I Increase My 5′ Penis Into A Monster – Here Is The Secret To Make Your Small Penis Bigger

Increase Penis Size Excercise Forum Squeeze plus topics on Best Selling Male Enhancement combined… Continue reading

Where can I get people to read my Scripts?

by saamiblog

Question by boombyxx: Where can I get people to read my Scripts? Where can I get people to criticize my scripts online? Is there a website where I can have people read my work? If anyone is… Continue reading

Q&A: how can i get someone to read the movies i have written and or sell them?

Question by Troy T: how can i get someone to read the movies i have written and or sell them? i’ve written many inspirational movies and books and would like to get them into the right hands. people who… Continue reading

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