
Pirate Bay e-mail: ‘Should we risk jail?’

Pirate Bay e-mail: ‘Should we risk jail?’ Found guilty of copyright violations and sentenced to jail, some of the founders of The Pirate Bay were in a Swedish court Tuesday to present their appeal. Read more on CNET

Independent filmmakers… Continue reading

Risk Still Makes History

by massdistraction

Risk Still Makes History

What happens to our old board games when we stop being kids? I always thought that board games are not played by anyone anymore, or at least that was my thought up until recently.… Continue reading

Risk: The Neural Basis of Decision Making

Lecture presented by Professor John O’Doherty for the Darwin College Lecture Series 2010. A deeper understanding of how the brain makes decisions will not only inspire new theories of decision making, it will also contribute to the development of genuine… Continue reading

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